“The first great joy of traveling is simply the luxury of leaving all my beliefs and certainties at home.”
-Pico Iyer


How do you define luxury?

For some, luxury means unplugging from all their electronic gadgets – for others, that sounds like pure torture.

For some, luxury means a private butler to unpack your suitcase and serve you champagne – for others, a tent with a killer view and a mosquito net is preferable.

For some, luxury means a quiet afternoon alone in a perfect French bistro with a glass of wine, watching the world go by while catching up on journaling – for others, a full day of interacting with the locals and making new friends is far better.

Vive la différence!

But for most, luxury is having every detail covered, so you can truly enjoy your experience, worry-free.

At True Places Travels our goal is to discover your definition of luxury. If you haven’t thought about it…we invite you to connect with us and let’s talk about how every journey can, and should, have an element of luxury.